forward-thinking on diversity in the workplace

Roots of the company culture are set with the first brick laid. Diversity affects the culture with an innovative mindset positively, and equality doubles!
Diversity is the progressive mentality allowing you to understand, accept and value the differences between people belonging to different ages, gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, disability, education, knowledge, experience, skillset, and personality.
Harvard Business Review found that diverse teams are able to solve problems faster than teams of similar people. When employees feel accepted, valued, and empowered, they are more motivated and productive. As a result, companies with greater diversity tend to have lower turnover rates.
It also boosts companies reputation and helps to attract talents. Businesses promoting diversity in the workplace are viewed as more ethical and socially responsible. On the other hand, engaging employees at all levels is the most effective way to reach critical mass and communicate the import of diversity and inclusion.
Having a team of people from different places allows you to validate how people will receive your product or service from around the world. Having more insights lead to a huge impact on a product’s success story. But to do that, you need diversity champions throughout an organization!
Here are some ways to support diversity and inclusion;
● Know the diversity goals and commit to the process by following business objectives and thinking about how your role impacts the success of diversity
● Take an active role through engagement surveys and respond with honesty. Express your concerns and advice to support your way of thinking
● Take responsibility to organize diversity-related events. Be a part of the committees. This will also bring a valuable opportunity for you and your development
● Be open to gather knowledge and information about different cultures, races, religions and backgrounds. Ask your teammates to share about their cultures. Do not hesitate to apologize and ask for help
● Start the change with yourself! Treat people that you wish to be treated. Be careful and don’t tell offensive jokes
● Be a part of this continuous improvement. Listen and take the concerns around you into consideration
● Share your knowledge, communicate, and educate! Do not ignore any negative behavior. Take them as a different point of view. Since it takes time, you need to be patient.
As meet minds, we closely collaborate both with our recruitment partners and candidates to keep a healthy balance. We always do our best to create diverse strategies depending on candidates’ point of view as well as our partners on what can be done to improve it and remove any biases.