ready for Gen Z and Millennials in business life?

LinkedIn saw a significant increase in the number of job transitions among its 800 million global members over the past year. This suggests that more people are moving between jobs, which could indicate an improving economy or increased mobility across industries.
The most notable changes in employee talent are among Generation Z and Millennial workers, who seem to be looking for something different from their employers. This shift may be due to the increasing importance of personal growth in today's workplace, as well as an increased emphasis on creativity and innovation.
Despite the fact that some people are claiming this trend of demanding more from work is bad for employees and companies, it actually has a lot of benefits.
First, by making us all work harder we're able to improve our productivity which means we can get more done in less time.
Second, businesses that put their employees first usually thrive because they're able to provide better customer service and meet deadlines faster than those who don't have these expectations in place.
Today’s workforce is more diverse than ever before, and that diversity extends to age groups. Gen Zers (born roughly 1997-2012) are unique in their approach to work, valuing authenticity over conformity and flexibility over stability. They're also highly mobile—many of them have already left traditional jobs for new opportunities elsewhere.
Meanwhile, Millennials (born roughly 1980-1996) are the most educated generation yet, so they bring a wealth of experience with them when they enter the workplace. As these two generations clash on some issues—like how much control managers should have over their employees' hours—the way workplaces operate will be affected both positively and negatively as a result.
Here's what you need to know if you want your company to benefit from this shift:
To attract young talent , it's important to create an environment where employees feel comfortable speaking up about what matters to them – whether that’s flexible working hours or promoting social justice initiatives within the organization.
LinkedIn’s data reveals that job transitions among millennials are up by 50%, while those of Gen Z have increased by 80%. For the first time in history, Generation Xers saw an increase of 31% while Baby Boomers experienced a 5% bump. This discrepancy is likely due to different life experiences and expectations which may have led to divergent career paths and lifestyles between these two generations.
The Great Resignation is on the rise among younger generations, as they are more likely to be willing to walk away from their careers and lives in order to pursue something else. This may be due to a number of factors, such as greater access to information and opportunities for self-expression through social media; or simply an acknowledgement that life can be unpredictable and ever-changing, so it might not make sense for everyone to stay in one place for too long.